I write novels (is it too hard to guess they're about vampires?) and I have a small problem with starting another, while still in the middle of my current one. I now have 11 books I'm writing - it's insane.
Yesterday I was working on one of my favourites (and funnily enough, my most recent) and I made the mistake of mentioning this awesome idea I had came up with for it, to my mom. This got her going in a rant (might I add, that lasted querter of an hour!) and her main point was this: I should finish my first one, before working on another.
But what she doesn't understand is that I can't! Have you ever tried editing a 137 page long book - on A4 paper in arial pnt 12, single space - with out loosing your mind and going tottally insane?
Yes, I'm at that stage - the editing. The number one (at least for me) most frustrating part.
But that's not the only wall you encounter.
Next on the list is probably writers block. You can sit in front of your writing for hours without any ideas hitting you. This can also drive you insane - or end up making you start another story.
And isn't it SO annoying, when you write a sentence in microsoft word and it tells you that you're using a symbol wrong, or that you should try rephrasing your sentence - or even worse, when it under lines your words and doesn't tell you why.
Now, this one might just be me, but when I am writing fluently, I can write for hours (seriously, I actualy sat at my computer typing for one and a half days once) but after a while, it's almost as if your mind gets numb. Do you ever face the problem when you're writing, and suddenly you can't remember how to spell a word you've written a hundred times before? And then you have to keep using online dicionaries to remember? Or even worse, when you forget what you have and haven't wrote.
And don't foget when you suddenly come to a word, and you can't remember: is it one or two 'T's? Like writers/writters - my current issue (anyone know how it's spelt?)
Let's recap:
1) Editing.
2) Writters block
3) Microsoft word
4) Memory loss
5) Letter repetition
But come to think of it, these are almost minor compared to one problem that you must avoid at all costs (something I have failed at 7 times).
When you fall for one of your characters.
You know what I'm talking about. When you come to the end of your book but you don't want it to end because you don't want to move on from writing about your main characters boyfriend or girlfriend.

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