Paganism has been seen as evil and wicked, has been confused with devil worship and what not. But it's not.
Paganism is a good and pure religion about nature worship. The basic beliefs are: that there is a God and Goddess, what you send out come back to you times three, to harm none, and living in harmony with nature.
Anyone seen that movie Avatar? Yeah, I bet you have. That right there is a good portrayal of paganism.
Now, please explain to me how a religion can worship something they don't beleive? That's right, we don't beleive in the devil, he is a christian creation and they can keep him. Paganism doesn't use fear to scare people into behaving, no, paganism is about harmony and peace.
As for the witchcraft, that isn't fiction but not all pagans practice it. You can practice witchcraft without being pagan and you can be pagan without practicing witchcraft.
Paganism is the wrong religion? Oh, I'm sorry, but, correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't paganism the first relgion? Yes, there is proof everywhere - e.g. stonehenge - that paganism was the first ever religion. And then, way further down the line comes christianity. This is when paganism became "evil" - not to point fingers or anything *cough* their fault *cough*.
Don't beleive me? Fine, google it - and waste time searching 1200 pages - and see for yourself.
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